The Top Facial Expressions Used in YouTube Thumbnails [Infographic]

How much time to you put into creating thumbnails for your videos?
Thumbnails are important for grabbing attention, and the top YouTubers invest a lot of their consideration into the exact right thumbnail image for each clip, in order to drive the most clicks.
But is there are magic formula for such, and what expression should you be going with to grab people’s as they scroll?
Is there a reason that most top YouTubers use a similar display format?
Indeed there is, and the team from Kapwing recently undertook a study to examine the most commonly used YouTube thumbnail expressions, and which perform best.
Kapwing used facial recognition technology to identify the emotion on the faces of the most watched YouTubers’ thumbnail images. Based on this, it’s come up with the below overview of thumbnail tips.
Maybe it’s worth practicing your surprised face.

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