Have a Loving Weekend. | Cup of Jo


What are you up to this weekend? Toby caught my cold, poor guy, so I’ll be heating up chicken soup while he watches Friends on the sofa. (We also like this video of Steph Curry belting out Hamilton with his daughters.) Hope you have a good one — take care of yourselves — and here are a few fun links from around the web…

What 11 friends are wearing to holiday parties, including “the most scandalous dress I’ve ever owned.” (Big Salad)

Catbird, our long-time favorite jewelry brand, is offering up to 30% off. The #1 item on my holiday wishlist is this gorgeous bracelet.

Let’s put potato chips in soup! (NYTimes gift link)

A funny list of what parents do after kids go to bed.

Iceland embraced a shorter work week, and it’s working. “Iceland’s economy is outperforming most European peers after the nationwide introduction of a shorter working week with no loss in pay, according to research released Friday.” (via Kottke)

The sweetest way to stop a baby from crying in the car.

Japan’s mundane Halloween costumes, hahaha.

“What should I do? My co-worker has started faking a British accent.”

My go-to fall nail color.

What Paris would look like if you could see all the stars.

Definitely handing out potatoes next Halloween.

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Julie D on what was your worst haircut: “Fifteen years ago, I asked my then-boyfriend to trim my bangs. It was obviously a disaster. They weren’t straight, so he kept cutting them shorter and shorter until I ended up with the most ridiculous micro bangs. Fast forward to Monday morning at the office: our coworker, who had lost her partner, was coming back after a long time away, and we were all dreading the awkwardness. We shouldn’t have. She walked in, I turned around, and she started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone laughed, we hugged, and just like that, my bad hair day saved the day. Maybe things do happen for a reason.”

Says Niamh on 7 pick-me-ups: “I just want to leave a huge thank you to Jo and everyone behind this site. As an exhausted person/mom, I LOVE coming here. It’s a place of inspiration (cooking, reading recs, friendships, fashion, Brooklyn 99 x 101, ha!), but most of all it is COMFORT. Today was a particularly rough day with tantrums that ended close to 11 p.m. – and when my toddler and I were both crying with frustration I DREAMED about him sleeping and me finally checking out Cup of Jo (mug of hot choc, it is close to midnight!). What I am trying to say: Thank you for writing, sharing, and doing it for so long that this feels like the safest, homiest place on all of the internet. You bring joy, calm, information, and general wellbeing to so many people. Love, too, that you are sharing your political views in a clear and respectful way. This is the first time I got to vote in the U.S., and it felt incredible to cast my vote for Harris and Walz!!!!”

(Photo by Marta Mauri/Stocksy.)

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