Have a Delicious Weekend. | Cup of Jo




What are you up to this weekend? Anton graduated from fifth grade today, and I cried! I’m usually relatively stoic at these things, but when all the kids started singing, “Lean on Me,” none of us stood a chance. Hope you have a good one — take gentle care — and here are a few links from around the web…

Five texts I sent my friends while on a date, and my #1 beauty product for summer. (Big Salad)

Who’s hungry for mud cake?

Found! The perfect bag for summer adventures.

A few lessons from Roger Federer’s Dartmouth commencement speech. “People would say my play was effortless. Most of the time, they meant it as a compliment… But it used to frustrate me when they would say, ‘He barely broke a sweat!’ Or ‘Is he even trying?” The truth is, I had to work very hard… to make it look easy.”

Who else wants to flop down on this sofa?

Loving the new Jeopardy stamp!

57 sandwiches that define New York City. The art direction is so cool. (NYTimes gift link)

I’m also digging these pasta photos. (NYTimes gift link)

How to keep kids happy on flights.

This made me laugh forever.

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Anon on the sexiest make-out songs: “The other day, my fiancé was joking around and satirizing the type of voice you hear on public radio, but it got me… feelin’ spicy? Turns out, my make-out jam is being told in a soft, low voice that it’s the biannual fundraising campaign, and if I donate now, I’ll get a free tote.”

Says Paloma on a parenting hack I stumbled upon: “I was a nanny to three young boys, who were always going at each other. I came home most nights and cried. Then I came up with teamwork points. Anytime they were nice or helpful to each other, they were awarded points, which I kept track of on a piece of paper on the fridge. When they reached a collective teamwork goal, they got ice cream. We made placemats with drawings of their favorite teams (the Dolphins, the Jets, and the Incredibles). The first week or two were slow going, but then it clicked. It was heartwarming to watch.”

Says Chrissi on the sexiest make-out songs: “Joanna, I love this so much for you. I often think about this Deborah Levy quote: ‘When a woman has to find a new way of living and breaks from the societal story… she is expected to be viciously self-hating, crazed with suffering, tearful with remorse. These are the jewels reserved for her in the patriarchy’s crown, always there for the taking.’ It is still radical to choose fun and fizzy, and I’m rooting for you! There will always be hard times, and you honored that beautifully, so find your pleasure when you can.”

(Photo by Maryanne Gobble/Stocksy.)

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