The next Fed meeting is crucial for real estate investors and the economy. So, what will the Fed do? Are we getting the 0.25% rate cut that many experts predict, or will a 0.50% rate cut come due to further...
Achieving your FI number in just four years? If you want to do it too, you must try something different....
In This Article Key Takeaways Evictions can cost between an estimated $4,000-$8,000 for landlords, and between $1,400-$5,100 for tenants, in...
Struggling to land your next rental property? Even in today’s housing market, there’s a great deal out there with your...
Find real estate deals faster with a BiggerPockets Pro Membership. Use code “PDEAL24” for 20% off plus thousands of dollars...
Are we in a recession? A lot of people certainly think so. After a surprisingly accurate recession indicator went off...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify...
House hacking might be the easiest way to get into real estate. This beginner-friendly investing strategy involves little risk, works...
2013 was a pivotal year for our hosts. Scott was fresh out of college and just beginning his journey to...
In This Article Key Takeaways BPCON is the premier event for real estate investors, offering unparalleled networking opportunities, exclusive educational...
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